UX and Interaction Design
Client: La Caixa / CaixaBank
Reason: A microsite with the aim of sensitizing society about financial accessibility
Concept: Superando Barreras
On a daily basis, many people have to face barriers that are difficult to overcome. Have you thought about how a person in a wheelchair gets money from an ATM? How does a person with visual impairment make an online transfer? Currently, in Spain, there are more than four million people with disabilities, a figure that will increase due to the progressive aging of the population.
Faced with this scenario and in the spirit of raising awareness about the obstacles that the disabled community faces on a daily basis, «La Caixa» launches Superando Barreras website, an initiative framed within the international day of disability. «La Caixa» thus continues its work of guaranteeing access to all financial services under equal conditions.
Client: Allianz Seguros
Agency: Grey Spain
Reason: A microsite with the aim of sensitizing society about financial accessibility
Concept: Si me jubilara hoy
And you, what would you do if you retired today? For Allianz it became the starting point of a transversal and social campaign, starring real people.
Client: Random House Mondadori
Agency: Shackleton Group
Reason: Campaign to promote the book "Mal de Escuela"
Concept: Educación con H
Random House Mondadori, publishing company, wanted to make Daniel Pennac´s Mal de Escuela (School Sickness) - an essay about the education sector- a best seller in Spain, initially generating the acceptance by the distributors (mainly at bookstores and other large distributors), and then demand within the potential buyers of the book.
We decided not to center the campaign around selling a book, but rather as a way to open a social debate on the quality of the education system in Spain, and position the book as a reference. We edited a fake video of the Education Ministry appointment which spread on Internet and was launched on www.heducation.com . There, we collected opinions and suggestions regarding the education system, to be sent to the Education Ministry.
We also used Education Ministry briefcases as POP and sent them to bookstores and opinion leaders presenting the book and the initiative.
El Sol
Gold - Viral and Experimental
PEA - Interactive: viral
Premios Imán
Silver - Marketing Viral y Online Movies
Silver - Consumer Products
Silver - Mailing dimensional targeted at business and professional